Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Today I’m really thankful for the gift of breast-feeding. It amazes me how God created this seemingly simple thing to be able to nourish a child both nutritionally and emotionally. What amazes me even more is how much it does for the mother. Mwagala is 14 months now and is still nursing. Today it hit me how it has helped us bond. As she was nursing this morning I looked down at her and she looked up at me – straight into my eyes and then she smiled. What followed were gestures of love that we have developed through the months that are just for us – a playful hi-five, a kiss on the forehead, she places her hand on my cheek and I tickle her a little. Throughout the time she was feeding I didn’t say a word and she didn’t make a sound but the love between us was almost tangible. My heart soared. I looked at my little girl and understood why God gave us this precious gift. It’s a chance for me to let my child know that I love her and that she is cherished. And it’s a chance for her to let me know that she appreciates me – even though she may not be able to say it clearly yet. Actions do speak louder than words.

Mwagala, this bond between us is strong and getting stronger. I love you my little princess – forever and a day J


Kathy said...

Gosh she's so adorable!! Glad to hear you two are bonding so well!!

Unknown said...

awwww you have such a beutiful little girl

Grace said...

Like! Like! Like! :-) Glad you are enjoying motherhood.

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