Friday, May 6, 2011

Recap of birthdays past (Warning: photo overload :-)

First of all, I'm sorry that I've not posted in a while. I don't really have a good reason but please forgive me. Pretty please?

Over the last two months we've had quite a number of birthdays in my family and it's only fair that I give you a little recap right? Right! With pictures of course so here goes....

The first birthday we celebrated was my dad's on March 7th. We went out to dinner at a nice hotel and gave him gifts - that he actually loved!!!!! (My dad is very difficult to pick presents for because he wants NOTHING!!!) Any who, we had a great time and I've got pictures to prove it :-)

Next was my Mum's birthday on 31st March. And we decided to surprise her by throwing a party for her and her friends. She was very very very surprised!!!! Her and her friends giggled like school girls! Ha! And I we were relieved to have pulled it off- she didn't suspect a thing especially since my dad arrived at the airport that night:-) She's half a century now and still looking like an 18 year old :-) Warning - you might have to tilt your head to the side to view some of these photos :-(

Next was my 'baby' brother Paul's birthday on 2nd April. We went out to dinner with his friends and had a jolly good time :-)

Next was mine on 22nd April. My darling hubby took me to a wonderful hotel for the night. :-D Yay!!!!! We had such a good time. Take a look at the room.

And the handsome hubby and me on my birthday.
Thank you sweetie!!!! And my friends threw me a surprise party two days later - I forgot to take pictures because, well,  it was a surprise!!! Heehee! They're so sweet aren't they?

Next was my sweetheart's birthday on 29th April. I was supposed to take him out for dinner but there were riots in the city so we couldn't go out. But we had cake and I'm making it up to him today.

 Two days later, my in-laws bought him a cake to celebrate too and he cut it with his niece and nephew.

Thank God for birthdays! I hope you enjoyed the photos. I'm off to have dinner with my handsome man :-)

Have a nice weekend.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Happy Birthday Boo!

It's my hubby's birthday today!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY HONEY! I love you with all my heart and even though the chaos in town has ruined the wonderful plans I had for you I will most definitely make it up to you.

And isn't it wonderful that William and Kate chose to get married on my hubby's birthday? :-D

Friday, April 22, 2011

Go shorty, it's your birthday!

Happy Birthday to me!!!!!!! I'm quarter a century now. Yay!!!

 My tall dark and handsome man is taking me to a fantastic hotel to celebrate. Yay!!!!

I'll be back with tales of how it went :-) Laters. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I recently saw this Q and A that Faith at Life.Love&Marriage did and I enjoyed reading her answers so much that want in on the action! lol! So here goes.....

How long have you been together?
It will be 3 years next month.

How long did you know each other before you started dating? 
About 4 years.... We were not close though.

Who asked who out? 
Um... there was no asking really... it was more like "So we're serious about this right?" But he made the first move...
Did you go to the same school?

Who is the most sensitive?
He is.
What about pets?
None. He wants 5 dogs!!!! Not on my watch! I can't stand animals...
Where do you eat out most as a couple?
We love Indian food coz it's so spicy and tasty so we have a lil' indian restaurant in town that is ALWAYS our default place to eat out.
Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
Egypt for our honeymoon :-)
Who has the worst temper?
I do *hanging my head in shame*
Who does the cooking?
I do most of it but we cook together. He does the drinks, I do the food. 

Who is more social?
He is. He can start a conversation with anyone! When we're stuck in traffic he'll start up a conversation with the person in the car beside us. Weird!
Who is the neat freak?
Hmmmm... He is I think. When I arrange something I disorganise it soon after :-(
Who is the most stubborn?
Me.... First born syndrome...
Who hogs the bed?
He does. Ha! But I try to understand because he's too tall to fit comfortably.

Who wakes up earlier?
He does. Weird!
Where was your first date?
Kirk Franklin concert. Kirk had a big hand in our relationship. *Sigh* Me thinks they had it all planned...
How long did it take to get serious?
About 2 to 3 months.
Who eats more?
I'd like to say he does but I think it's me :-( I snack a lot.
Who drives when you are together?
He does. I'm scared of driving in Kampala but one day I will face my fear.

Who is the first one to admit when they’re wrong?
He is. It takes me a while to find my tongue.... heehee!
Who wears the pants in the relationship?
He does.

Who eats more sweets?
He does. I have a very very small sweet tooth.
Hmmmm.... Isn't marriage interesting? :-D

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

26 happy years....


 I love you! Thank you for teaching me so much and for loving me unconditionally. I wish you 75 more years together :-) Mwah!

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