Monday, October 8, 2012

50 Years of Independence. I choose to celebrate!

The National Flag of Uganda (source)
Tomorrow my country, Uganda, will celebrate 50 years of independence. I am proud to be Ugandan. Some Ugandans have chosen to use this time to complain about what the government isn't doing - which is a lot. But I choose to celebrate my country's independence. The government may be messed up but that's not the point here. Like my dad says; "We're not thanking the NRM, we're thanking God.'

And God has been good to us. This year, after 40 years, a Ugandan won a gold medal at the Olympics. It was exciting. What was even better was that at the Olympic closing ceremony our national Anthem was sung. It was absolutely glorious! I was so proud to be Ugandan.

I know that a lot of things in my country are a far cry from what they should be but I'm thankful that I have a place to call home. A place that has such a rich culture and the friendliest people I know. I've not travelled much but I've not yet been to a country where I can strike up a conversation with anyone I meet on the road side. And I don't just mean saying 'Hello'. In Uganda you can start talking to a stranger and actually exchange life stories and jokes- without even telling them your name. It keeps amazing me how when I get into a taxi many times the person I sit next to will greet me. Not with a smile but with actual words. Ugandans are so relational.

I'm proud to be Ugandan not because it is perfect but because it is home. You don't say you're proud of your family because they are perfect. You're proud of them because they are your family. My country is my identity.

I'll just list a few things I'm thankful for when it comes to my country:

  • I'm thankful that we are a God-fearing state (generally). That is something I do not take for granted. 
  • I'm thankful for the different tribes that make our nation what it is. Each of them make our country richer with their cultures and languages. 
  • I'm thankful for the climate. It's summer all year round :) Sometimes I complain that it's too hot but honestly our climate is just right. Not too hot and not too cold. Just perfect.
  • I'm thankful for the  fertile soils. As a farmer's wife this is something we thank God for often. That we can plant crops almost anywhere and reap a harvest. 
  • I'm thankful that morals are still pretty important in Uganda. They are in short supply elsewhere in the world. 
  • I'm thankful that we have some peace in our country. 
My country is not perfect. I know that very, VERY well. But I love it. I know that God will slowly get us to where He wants us to be.

Today, as I watched the National Prayer Breakfast they stood up to sing the national anthem- all 3 stanzas- and I sang along with all my heart, proud to be Ugandan and meaning every word. Here it is:

Oh Uganda! may God uphold thee, 
We lay our future in thy hand. 
United, free, 
For liberty 
Together we'll always stand. 

Oh Uganda! the land of freedom. 
Our love and labour we give, 
And with neighbours all 
At our country's call 
In peace and friendship we'll live. 

Oh Uganda! the land that feeds us 
By sun and fertile soil grown. 
For our own dear land, 
We'll always stand: 
The Pearl of Africa's Crown. 

source: Source
HAPPY 50TH INDEPENDENCE UGANDA!!!!! May God continue to lead you. I look forward to the next 50 years! 
For God and my country.

The Coat of Arms (source)


I have been struggling with the decision to use my daughter's name on the blog. I didn't want to but I also did not want to keep referring to her as princess or baby. So I'm going to use her middle name- Mwagala.

Mwagala was a name given to her by my parents and loosely translated means 'I love the Lord' It's taken from Psalm 116:1 that says; 'I love the Lord for he heard my voice...'

I love that name because to me it's a prophecy over her life. I pray that she will indeed be a girl who loves the Lord.


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Starting solids

My princess has been breast feeding exclusively for six months and it's been interesting. But boy was I ready to start solids! I made sure everything was ready - bibs, high chair, spoons, plate and lots of enthusiasm. Sadly, she was not as enthusiastic.

'Mama, what is this?'
Food: Banana (mixed with breast milk to make a runny mash)
Time of day: Evening - I wanted to make sure Taata (Daddy) was home for her first meal.
Response: She took 4 spoonfuls and then sealed her mouth shut!
Mama's reaction: Despair :(

Honestly, I was disappointed. I guess I thought that because she feeds so well, the transition to solids would be a piece of cake. Wrong! Oh well. I licked my wounds and tried again the next day - this time at lunch time. She ate a little more but not much. The third time was a charm. I made half a banana and she ate it all! Yay! I was so excited. And she clearly looked happy.

Happy face :)
Then I let my excitement get the better of me. The next day I thought I'd try a potato. She did not like it at all. I was disappointed - again. But a friend encouraged me and I licked my wounds- again. I decided to stick to banana for a while. And yesterday she ate a whole banana! *Fist pump* I love watching her face when she's eating and yesterday she tried to hold the spoon for herself and push it into her mouth. I'm looking forward to feeding her more solids but for now I'll pace myself.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

6 months old

Our princess is 6 months old today! I cannot believe it's been 6 months since she was born. I've almost forgotten the days when she had colic and wouldn't sleep through the night. Almost forgotten.... Haha!

Here's what she is up to lately:

  • Putting everything- and I do mean EVERYTHING- in her mouth. If it's in her hand her mouth is wide open, ready to receive it. 
  • Saying 'Ma-ma'. She is still perfecting this very important word but I was pleasantly surprised to hear her say it. She's practicing everyday :) 
  • Making a wet razzing sound. She loves this sound. Lately it's been the first thing she does when she wakes up. 

Razzing away

  • Sitting upright without support. 

She has been breast feeding exclusively so now it's time for solids. I'm looking forward to that and I'm pretty sure she is too because each time we're eating she starts chewing. Hahaha! Poor thing. Your misery is about to end.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Just For Laughs

A friend of mine posted this a while back and I found it hilarious! I laughed so hard because it is so true. Any breast feeding mother has had this happen.

I had a good laugh. I hope you did too.

Have a lovely Monday :)
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