Saturday, October 27, 2012

Formula - to be or not to be?

Until a few days ago I was all for breast feeding Mwagala until she’s a year old without supplementing with formula. I’m rethinking this plan. Sure breast is best and I don’t want to stop completely but I’d really like to get some relief from nursing once in a while. The problem is that formula doesn’t come cheap- which is the very reason why I wanted to avoid it in the first place. But it really does come in handy. Formula would allow me to leave her with the nanny without having to worry about whether I've pumped enough milk. I also think that the breast milk isn’t filling her enough anymore. And she’s not yet enjoying her solids so it’s more breast milk than anything else really.
 I love my baby but sometimes I just want a little space to spontaneously get out of the house without her. I need some me time. I’m fully aware how selfish that sounds. But it’s the truth. I love watching her nurse. She looks so content and it has really helped us create a bond. I’ve thought long and hard about the decision to introduce formula and I think I’m going to try it. Mwagala is quite opinionated so when she doesn’t like something she will let me know so I’m counting on her to tell me if I’ve made the right decision.
Hopefully the fact that she will still be nursing will keep the formula cost down. Here’s hoping. I’m taking the leap. *fingers crossed*


Kathy said...

I hope she transitions well! I know this is a hard decision, but do what feels right for you two! :)

Elit said...

Hey Farmer's Wife!
I got to your blog through another blog :-)
I thought this might interest you and your Princess!

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