Thursday, March 14, 2013

Ebinsanyusa :)

This post is late but better late than never right?

So this week ebinsanyusa:
  • I got my push present on Monday – a new set of rings! I was sooo excited! I love them! My jeweller did a good job. 

  • Mwagala has slept for 9 hours straight through the night 3 times so far and I’m very VERY happy about this. I discovered that even though she was playing a lot during the day she wasn't spending all her energy so now I make sure she is tired enough to sleep through the night. Tonight she even fell asleep without breast feeding. She just started dozing in her high chair. Hahaha! 
  • The one thing I've always wished I could change was on me is my nails. They never grow long and if they do they break almost immediately. This week however my nails have grown longer than they ever have and they haven’t broken! I almost can’t recognize them :-)


Faith said...

Your rings are beautiful! Hubby did good!

Yay for baby girl sleeping through the night! I know you're one happy mama!! ;)

Eleanor said...

Thank God to no breaking nails..Yay :) I know how happy you must be.

Kathy said...

Beautiful rings!! Glad baby girl is sleeping for ya too!! I know what a relief that is! As for your nails... take prenatal vitamins. They're good for you even when you're not growing a baby! My nails are just like yours... but with the vitamins they make my nails and hair grow healthy!

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